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By Steve Martens | 06.13.2024 | Industry Insights

Commercial Lending: 8 Things to Know for the Remainder of 2024

As we move into the second half of 2024, financial institutions may be curious about how the commercial lending landscape will pan out for the rest of the year.

By Jason Carter | 06.05.2024 | Industry Insights

Loan Management Solutions: A Guide to Improving Lending Operations

The lending industry poses many challenges, including market conditions, ensuring compliance, constantly changing regulations, and finding the right loan origination software and service provider.

By Steve Martens | 04.02.2024 | Industry Insights

Navigating Risk in Commercial Lending: Best Practices for Bankers

Risk (including credit, market, and operational risk) is inevitable in the realm of commercial lending, but there are ways to reduce the severity of these risks to ensure that your financial institution is not in a vulnerable state.

By BAFS | 02.21.2024 | BAFS Technology

The BAFS Borrower Portal

Learn how BAFS' Borrower Portal benefits financial institutions, works with BLAST, and more.

By Raychel Whitlock | 01.02.2024 | Company

Giving Back to Our Community: Month of Giving Event

BAFS' Raychel Whitlock highlights the Month of Giving event.

By Chelsey Walley | 12.11.2023 | Company

The United Way Workplace Campaign

BAFS' Chelsey Walley highlights the United Way Workplace Campaign.

By Kyle Dugas | 11.27.2023 | Team Highlights

The BAFS Client Experience Team

BAFS' Chief Experience Officer, Kyle Dugas, highlights all of the functions and benefits of the Client Experience Team.

By Zoe Turnbull | 10.15.2023 | Team Highlights

Team Member Spotlight: Michael Peoples

In this edition of the BAFS Team Member Spotlight, we highlight Michael Peoples, VP - Credit Risk Manager.

By Training and Development | 10.12.2023 | Company

The First-Ever BAFS Week Event: A Success!

Our first-ever BAFS Week took place in September 2023 and was a huge success! Read our full blog to learn more about the week's events.

View BLAST® in Action

Our BLAST®-enabled suite of services offers a comprehensive solution for loan management and credit administration across application, analysis, underwriting, and document preparation. Schedule a demo with our team and see how our coordination of people and platform will grow your business!