The BAFS Team is our greatest resource. With decades of combined commercial lending experience at your disposal, our team...
BLAST® is not just our logo slapped on some third-party tech. The BLAST® Commercial Lending and Administration Platform...
Your goal is to grow your business, and commercial lending can help you get there. But how do you grow a business that is historically...
Our Client Onboarding Teams manage all aspects of data integration, data integrity, reporting, and execution...
Service to our clients and their communities is at the core of everything we do...
Empower your team with platform training and industry education to prepare you for success...
If technology is all you need to complement your knowledgeable and experienced lending team, technology is all you buy. BAFS has what you need.
You have back-office staff but not for every function, or perhaps you need overflow help. BAFS has the solution.
You want to grow your commercial portfolio without the expense of a back office. BAFS has a plan to fill that need.
We have spent years developing and honing the cloud-based, BLAST® Commercial Lending Operating and Administrative Platform.
Kick off the commercial lending journey with your client on the right foot with a tool custom designed to do just that.
You’ve decided you need service as well as technology. Our team of lending experts is ready to work for you.
You need the confidence and regulatory readiness of a fully staffed credit administration back office. Our Credit Admin teams specialize in what you need most.
Maybe you don’t need a full technology or service suite right now. Get what you need the way you need it.
Learn who BAFS is as a company and what software and services the company provides.